Clean Facilities and Tools
30 Years of Service

Jim Townsend James E. Townsend, longtime Associate Curator of Technical Operations, has retired from curatorial service . . .well almost! Jim will continue part-time for two more years which will allow time to transfer his 30+ years of experience to the next generation curatorial team. Jim's memory and his file cabinet contain a treasure trove of historical information concerning the practical aspects of extraterrestrial sample curation. Construction of a secure area for storing lunar samples, design of a laboratory to process samples returned from investigators, setting up of Brooks AFB remote sample storage, and an ultra-pure water cleaning facility are a few among Jim's many accomplishments. Over the years he has been the person to get facilities and tools needed to carry out sample curation, all with the special material and cleanliness requirements which go with all sample handling activities. The curatorial team is grateful for his service and anxious to preserve this knowledge for future curation efforts.