Apollo 17 Rock Catalog is Complete

We are pleased to report that Catalog of Apollo 17 Rocks, Volume 4, North Massif, by Charles Meyer (August 1994), was released by the Government Printing Office and is available for distribution. Volume 4 includes a comprehensive index that will help the reader locate, by generic sample number, the description of any Apollo 17 rock contained in any of the four volumes.

Copies of each volume of the four-volume catalog have been sent to all persons who made requests previously. But if you would like to complete your lunar catalog library now, please select from the menu given below:

VolumeAuthor(s)Rocks DescribedPublication Date
1Graham Ryder72215-73285 (South Massif)February 1993
2Clive Neal and Larry Taylor70017-71597 (Central Valley, Part 1)February 1993
3Clive Neal and Larry Taylor72135-155; 74115-75115; 79035-537 (Central Valley, Part 2) March 1994
4Chuck Meyer76015-78599 (North Massif)August 1994

You may request a catalog by sending an e-mail message to Dale Browne (browne@snmail.jsc.nasa.gov). You can also notify the author of volume 4, Chuck Meyer (meyer@snmail.jsc.nasa.gov), and extend your appreciation for his efforts in completing this series. Chuck did a commendable job in getting an important piece of scientific literature out into our community of lunar sample researchers.