AMN 35,2 Tentative Meteorite Pairings

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Home Antarctic MeteoritesAntarctic Meteorite NewslettersAMN 35,2 Tentative Meteorite Pairings
Volume 35 No. 2 – August 2012

Table 3. Tentative Pairing for New Meteorites

Table 3 summarizes possible pairings of the new specimens with each other and with previously classified specimens based on descriptive data in this newsletter issue. Readers who desire a more comprehensive review of the meteorite pairings in the U.S. Antarctic collection should refer to the compilation provided by Dr. E.R. D. Scott, as published in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter vol. 9 (no. 2) (June 1986). Possible pairings were updated in Meteoritical Bulletins 76, 79, 82 through 101, which are available online from the Meteoritical Society webpage.


MIL 090963 with MIL 090405


MIL 090288 and MIL 11111 with MIL 090986


MIL 090283, MIL 090532 and MIL 11040 with MIL 090281


MIL 090010, MIL 090025, MIL 090038, MIL 090117, MIL 090118, MIL 090122, MIL 090128, MIL 090132, MIL 090133, MIL 090134, MIL 090138, MIL 090139, MIL 090230, MIL 090231, MIL 90233, MIL 090235, MIL 090236, MIL 090293, MIL 090451, MIL 090453, MIL 090454, MIL 090457, MIL 090459, MIL 090461, MIL 090462, MIL 090463, MIL 090464, MIL 090465, MIL 090466, MIL 090467, MIL 090468, MIL 090469, MIL 090470, MIL 090473, MIL 090474, MIL 090478, MIL 090535, MIL 090539, MIL 090554, MIL 090558, MIL 090588, MIL 090591, MIL 090593, MIL 090594, MIL 090596, MIL 090597, MIL 090598, MIL 090641, MIL 090683, MIL 090686, MIL 090692, MIL 090696, MIL 090699, MIL 11101, MIL 11109 and MIL 11203 with MIL 07099


MIL 090291, MIL 11198, MIL 11199, MIL 11202, MIL 11204, MIL 11205 with MIL 090112