Note Details

Category: Analysis

C023-T18-T20 – T17 can be seen in the foreground out of focus in this image. T18 is the smallest on the right and measures ~ 110 µm in length, EH of ~ 6 µm, MTW of ~ 22 µm. T19 is the largest of the three and measures between 640 µm in length with an EH of ~ 22 µm and a MTW of ~ 54 µm. T20 measure a little over 340 µm in length with an EH of ~ 11 µm and a MTW of ~ 31 µm. Terminal particles are visible at the end of each of the tracks. Several other, small track on the order of 120 µm in length are also visible, but not recorded with assigned feature or track number (see image - Tracks18-20_C+0001_R+0001_L+0000_X+0009621_Y+0001642_Z-0006395.jpg).