Note Details

Category: Processing

Level 3: C2067-TA – Located 36.6 x 10.4. Big track on the right end of the tile. Type C bifurcated track. EH ~275 μm. MTW ~2.26 mm, yes, mm. Three visible styli in low-magnification image, measuring ~10.2, 9.7, & 8.8 mm in length, and again, yes mm. Top bulb portion ~7 mm deep. TP2 is either one very enlogate particle, or two particles essentially touching each other. If one, measure ~15 x 40 μm in size and is dark colored. If two particles, small one is ~12 μm, while the larger one is ~18 μm. TP1 ~15 μm. TP3 ~18 x 12 μm. TPs 1 & 3 appear to be lighter in color than TP2, but this may be due to aerogel surrounding the particles. Very little, if any aerogel around TP2.