Note Details

Category: Processing

See above paragraph. Location under normal configuration is 2.9 x 18 mm, corresponding well with Penny’s Track B. Rest to follow after rotating tile 180º. EH ~120 µm, while MTW ~830 µm. Looks like at least 5 styli associated with this track, all appearing to have TPs. TP1, deepest ~30 µm; brownish coloration. TP2, next deepest is 15 x 25 µm; brown, glassy looking. TP3, third less deep is ~15 µm; seems to have more luster, but could be from aerogel. TP4 is ~20 µm in size and brownish colored. TP5 ~20 µm and brownish. TP6 ~8 µm and brownish. TP7 & TP8 both ~15 µm in size and brownish in color. Maximum track length ~8.1 mm. Next longest styli ~ 5 mm.