Note Details

Category: Processing

Type B/C Track. Located 5.1 x 8.9 mm from left end of tile, just in side the broke off area. This large feature may be what caused the large fragment on the left top end to break off. See image “C2046-MissingFragment.jpg” for low-magnification view of missing area with overview of two large features in this end of the tile. EH ~ 290 µm in diameter. MBW = 1370 µm. Although not visible in overall track image, there is one stylus coming out of the bottom of this large bulb. There appears to be a TP there, but the missing chunk of aerogel is interfering with the camera getting a clear path and view. I will most likely flip this tile around after completed the scan to get the large feature toward the back more clearly that I can from this side. Thus, at that time I will tray and image this track again from the other side so that the missing aerogel should not be an issue. Initial track length (TL) appears to be ~3600 µm. Bulb length (BL) ~ 2250 µm.