Note Details

Category: Processing

Feature 5 was an ~1.5 mm long track cut out roughly as a quickstone using an ultrasonic steel macroblade at JSC and allocated to Ishii, LLNL as FC5,1,5. The entire track in aerogel was mounted on a stub for x-ray tomography in the LLNL FIB and Xradia instruments (for comparison). Afterwards, it was cut off the stub using an ultrasonic diamond microblade for a clean and very smooth surface. It was taken to the University of Washington where the entire track was compressed by Brownlee and divided into three portions (FC5,1,5 and FC5,2,5 and FC5,3,5). The terminal portion (FC5,2,5 arbitrarily) was embedded in acrylic for microtomy. Microtomy was carried out at LLNL producing the following thin sections on 100 mesh Cu grids with carbon substrates: FC5,2,5,0,1 through FC5,2,5,0,15. Grid images are available for all 15 grids. Analysis has focused on grids 11 through 15 containing material near and including a terminal grain of magnesium silicate and also (all) containing iron sulfide residue from a track in which the terminal particle was not located in the original fragment.